Universal Favourite serves up Complements Chocolates

Forget what you thought you knew about chocolate. Because Hershey’s has a new daddy. Feast your eyes on the mouth-wateringly colorful, delectably designed, modular treats that Universal Favourite recently churned out. Created as a client gift in conjunction with Bakedown Cakery, the sweets were made to pair and share, designed with brilliant modularity to satiate the appetites of chocolate-loving design gurus.

We gotta say, they nailed it. From the unexpectedly vibrant hues, to painterly finishes like marbling, airbrushing and splatter, Australia-based design shop, Universal Favourite, was definitely thinking outside the (chocolate) box.  

In an effort to embody the nature of rewarding client relationships, the design studio went all out, doing what any good designer would. They created their own line, of course. Utilizing 3D printing techniques, they created staircase-like geometric shapes that fit perfectly together to form bite-sized cubes when combined. (Hello, flavor heaven!) The offering includes a variety of taste bud-tantalizing notes such as black currant, pistachio, watermelon, matcha, shortbread, and what has been coined, “fairy floss” (your guess is as good as ours). The genius, geometric chocolates are only rivaled only by their punchy packaging design that mirrors the sweets and hints at what’s inside the box. Compliments to them. For reals.

On a side note: what’s a girl gotta do to get gifted some chocolate shwag?? (*Hint, hint. Nudge, nudge)

Photography courtesy of: Amanda Prior

Complements chocolate
Universal Favourite chocolate
Modular chocolate
Complements chocolate flavours
Complements chocolates
Complements chocolates packaging