Get On Board

Mar Cubillos’ twin fin says it all. “Good Joo-Joo” is not only an insanely glassed 5’6” diamond tail, but the name itself embodies the ethos of FLKLR. Formed at the intersection of function and form, everything FLKLR does is focused on finding a balance between collaboration and craftsmanship. Creating the most beautiful retro-inspired fishes, quads, single fins, and twin fins this side of Malibu (while spreading good karma along the way), Mar is reshaping surfing, one board at a time. Not only are 100% of his boards made to order, but with each surfboard sale, FLKLR donates 2/27-liter water system filters to Bali’s villages in need. Talk about good juju.

We had the pleasure of collaborating with Mar on an article waaaaay back in 2014. We caught up with the tattooed Columbian yet again, and got the download on all things FLKLR related.

K: How has FLKLR evolved since we last spoke?

Mar: A lot has changed these past 4 years. We have now a showroom in Canggu, Bali, a new magazine, and a few collaborations with other brands. The magazine finally launched last spring. We were super pleased with the outcome. The overall feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.  

K: What’s currently inspiring those delectable new board designs?

Mar: We are always playing with different retro shapes and colors to deliver new concepts — while keeping our minimalist approach. 

K: What inspired board names like Good-Joo-Joo and Mac-Giver?

Mar: Since Folklore is about culture and storytelling, we thought Good-Joo-Joo was good spin of the negative phrase. What bad can come from boards so fun? Just like MacGyver, our Mac-Giver handles well and is equipped for lots of tricks with the little it has.

K: Craziest custom board request?

Mar: Nothing yet out of the ordinary, however, we’re working on an Art Exhibition. These boards will def be one of a kind. They’ll be surfable – but doubt you'll take them off the wall.

K: Artists currently influencing you?

Mar: Lots. Lots and lots. Overall, I am very influenced by David Lynch (for his unique footprints and cleverness), Helmut Newton (For his beautiful noir work and reflection on people), Sofia Coppola (For her beautiful eye and take on storytelling) and Wes Anderson (for his amazing symmetry approach), as well as local artists and friends.

K: Favorite place to be inspired?

Mar: Not to sound cliché, but nature has always had a very special place in my heart. We have a living earth designed to perfection and it’s easy to draw from that energy to inspire new things. Paired with an amazing group of talented, unique thinkers, it’s a recipe for a great outcome. 

K: How do you select your “humble, ego-free” brand ambassadors?

Mar: I’ve been taught that ego will kill your talent. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how talented you are, but how you treat people. I care about smiles and gratitude in the water. People that have humble hearts and want to help those around them.

K: What’s on your perennial to-do list?

Mar: I’m really keen on looking for alternative fabrics for our apparel line and swimsuits, as well as getting involved with local parties in Bali to help minimize the garbage in our local communities. We’re looking into taking kids from orphanages out in the water and teaching them English.

K: How does your personality show up in your work?

Mar: I'm a freak for minimalism. Less is more. We don’t need much to live and I’ve never been a fan of big logos on tees. I've always wanted to be a movement from surfer to surfer. Surfers don’t need much and that's a beautiful thing. 

K: What’s next?

Mar: I am super excited for our collaboration with Indosole. These guys are doing amazing things and have a special place in my heart. I am also working with an artist to launch new products and designs that not only look great, but are functional for the surfing world.

Photography courtesy of: Mar Cubillos and Dmitry Fedorov

FLKLR Nuki 5'4"
FLKLR floral fish
FLKLR Mar Mar 9'2"
FLKLR retro
FLKLR surfboards
FLRLR Mar Cubillos