Magnetic Kitchen's Laser Engraved Skateboard Decks

At the moment, technologies such as 3D printing and laser cutting are sort of a delicacy. Experimenting with these tools requires designers to get past the steep equipment and software prices, but these hurdles didn't stop the Savannah-based crew from Magnetic Kitchen. Designers Wes Batts, Dan Dittmar, and Kayla Colaizzi, co-founders of Magnetic Kitchen, started tinkering around with laser engraving as an artistic medium while they were studying at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The trio quickly became frustrated with the limited time they were allowed to use the tool at school, so they banded together and started a Kickstarter page to fund a new laser cutting machine.

After funding kicked in, Batts, Dittmar, and Colaizzi began to kick it in the workshop until the wee hours of the morning experimenting with the machine. Out of those after-hour sessions came an intricate new series of laser engraved skateboard decks with names like Grandma's Sofa, Death Grip, and Hangover Cure. The 7-layer ply hard rock maple boards are sourced from a craftsman in Pennsylvania, the team then "creates the design in Adobe Illustrator, refines it in Rhino, before bringing it into the laser cutter," Colaizzi noted while explaining their process. Each deck is an artistic piece that can be visually preserved for something along the lines of wall decor, but the designers made sure that the laser cutting went through less than half of a layer, allowing the deck to keep its ride-able integrity. The team is keen on forging clean design and homemade goods in order to create a one of a kind experience for the user - all at a competitive price of $95.00 to $125.00 per deck. If you're in the market for a stellar new board, check out the rest of the collection at Magnetic Kitchen's Shop.

Photography By Magnetic Kitchen
