Eating Objects, Dublin

Dublin is lucky to have designersAhmad Fakhryand Cian Corcoran, who together make upDesigngoat.The duo are passionate about two things - design and Dublin. As an active part of Dublin's growing creative scene, you can typically find Fakhry and Corcoran cooking up some conceptually-driven meals at Dublin's Science Gallery's EDIBLE Exhibition or sipping a coffee at Brother Hubbard, a cafe they designed on Capel Street.

The two are bringing an experimental element to the experiences they're creating for the locals. Most recently, Fakhry and Corcoran went on an exploration of food, molecular gastronomy and eating experiences with their Eating Objects tableware set.

"Using food as a material we created a series of food 'products' that would be constructed by the diner in a restaurant." The designers explained. "By using the processes and techniques of molecular gastronomy to form the food in new ways we could control different tastes, colors and textures to have food look and feel like something else thus challenging peoples per-conceptions towards food and the habits they have grown up with. As the most exciting element of molecular gastronomy is the processes and science behind it, we wanted to show these techniques and processes and engage each user with them."

Fakhry and Corcoran created a series of tools for the users to interact with when constructing each food product. These tools let the user experience the food in an entirely different way and it gives them an insight into the usually so secret techniques and it allows them to see the transformation of the food.

To continue the exploration and create a more in depth, challenging eating experience, the two have also designed a table to enhance the multi-sensory aspect of the experience. By using animations projected from underneath which are triggered by using recognition technology, with tags on the base of each tool, a selection of tools will equal a dish and hence, play the intended animation. The user is guided through each dish and they are encouraged to interact with each other and their food in new ways.

Photography By Designgoat
