Now It's Her Turn! The Ella Foosball Table

Every year when ICFF comes to town NYC kicks from high gear into overdrive. KNSTRCT was buzzing like a giddy school kid with ADHD, running up and down the halls of the famed design fair this past weekend.

We were elbow deep in design paraphernalia, toying with new products, furniture and accessories when we discovered the Ella Foosball Table. Rafael Rodriquez of RS Barcelona is turning the tables (sorry, we couldn’t help ourselves!) with a new female friendly version of the RS #2 Foosball Table. Ella is made of high quality materials, coated with a durable polyester paint. The players are carved to the likeness of the female form. The ladies of the Ella Table also come equipped with interchangeable uniforms, because let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a style chameleon?To make the match a little more interesting, mix up the players to create a game of boys versus girls. Gentlemen, don’t be fooled by the curves, we have a feeling that these Ella ladies would hold their own in a sweaty game of ‘footy.’ These ladies got game.

Now it's her turn from rs barcelona on Vimeo.