Sicilian Story: Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios

Snapshot: Francesco Librizzi Studio captures the essence of Sicily’s seaside in Casa G. Designing a staircase that seems to simply float in the air, you’ll want to immediately abandon your fear of heights and climb up to the rooftop view.

Casa G is at first glance the beautiful sort of place you’d expect from a seaside dwelling in Sicily: rounded doorways, bright white walls, vibrant tiles and a rooftop view with a serene panorama of the coast. But what you don’t expect is the staircase that seems to be floating all the way to said rooftop. Designed by Francesco Librizzi Studio, Casa G tells us a story of Sicily. The gentle coast, breezy warm weather and rolling waves are all matched by the structural choices made in the creation of the design.

Architect Francesco Librizzi’s designs often embrace a sense of openness. They feel free, flowing and are simply soothing to look at. Casa G is definitely consistent with Librizzi’s style, as it’s a structure that just seems to meld with the surrounding landscape.

The stairs represent something Sicily has to offer to anyone trying to capture the soul of the island: “totally abandoning any resistance.” That lack of resistance is vividly apparent in Casa G;  you simply want to let the wind take you to the upper reaches of the structure. Although you might get a sense of vertigo by looking at the open spaces in between the stairs, there’s still no denying the desire to climb up these almost surreal steps. The staircase gives the impression that it’s floating mid-air, perhaps held only by the gentle breeze off of the coast. Of course, passing the second story, the flight immediately leads you to the rooftop visage of Cefalù’s colorful and tranquil lifestyle, something you won't want to miss out on.

Photography courtesy of Francesco Librizzi Studio






Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios
Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios
Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios
Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios
Casa G by Francesco Librizzi Studios