ZooZoo Animals: A Fiberglass Petting Zoo

Artist Elwira Lerche creates loveable fiberglass animals that don’t make a mess.

It all started when Lerche wanted to create a work of art inspired by her favorite movie: 1968’s “The Party”. She ended up creating Fernando, the fiberglass elephant who has nothing to loose and loves exploring his wild side at some epic 60’s pool parties.

And from that point, ZOOZOO Animals was born: aimed at brightening your day with fun, laughter, and cute animals that don’t poop in your home or office. Their official launch was last summer at the Hotel MANI in Berlin.

Yeah, they’re adorable - but they’re also completely weatherproof, making them perfect for indoor and outdoor use. Each animal is also handcrafted in Europe using only local materials and is available in a variety of bold and bright colors. The ZOOZOO sculptures are either made from 100% resin or fiberglass – but every model is proudly handmade with 100% love.

But what really makes these decorative pets unbearably charming are their original backstories. Meet Esmeralda, the fiberglass alligator. She is scared of ending up as a handbag on the red carpet, so she’s always looking for a place to hide as “art”.  If you’re looking for a pair, meet Antoine & Miguel, two Dobermans. They are long time friends who ended up starting a security company and are now the most sought after people in suburbia.

ZOOZOO Animals are perfect for the Pop Art enthusiast or the animal lover – and the ideal solution for those of us who’ve always wanted a pet alligator, elephant, or lion.  And nothing is cuter than having a pet match your décor.

