Technogenesis By DZHUS

Ukrainian designerTechnogenesis collection.  One jaw-dropping piece in the collection is the Transforming Neoprene Hood Dress, a unique black dress made with a futuristic combination of dense knitted fabric and matte neoprene. The front part of the bodice is lined with black rayon, but the transforming hood is lined with black raincoat fabric and features laser cut patterns.

Irina says that the main idea behind Technogenesis is "about regeneration of the anthropogenic civilization's destructive priorities into a virtually new trans-marginal existence in order to create the post-utilitarian aesthetics."

The young designer used traditional textiles combined with industrial materials to achieve the desired "post-utilitarian aesthetic."

"I make all the constructions myself," Dzhus explained, "as well as I sample fabrics with the focus on their texture and physical properties. My ethereal ideas take shape, and that enraptures me most about being a designer.”

The “Technogenesis” collection won 2nd place in Look into the Future, a young designers contest held by Ukrainian Fashion Week, and it also was shown at Odessa Holiday Fashion Week and I Love Kiev Festival.Buy the Transforming Neoprene Hood Dress Here )

Photography By Olga Nepravda
