Read up on it: Best of Libraries
/Ahhh libraries… There’s nothing like the musty smell of old books and a librarian so ancient she looks as though she’s been around since mastodons roamed the earth. Well before you toss that old, dingy public library card, take a gander at these beautiful works of art. It’s been said that you can’t judge a book by its cover, but we’d have to agree that you can definitely judge a library by its façade. Here is some hardcore library porn for all you book worms out there - feast your eyes on these architectural gems.
Hyundai Card Travel Library by Wonderwall
Saraiva Bookstore by Arthur Casas
Stockholm Public Library by Olivier Charles
Science Cafe & Library by Anna Wigandt
DTAC Headquarters Library by Hassell Architects
Livaria Cultura at Iguatemi by Studio MK27
Stuttgart City Library by Yi Architects
Niños Conarte by Anagrama
Vennesla Library by Helen + Hard
Wall of Knowledge at the Stockholm Public Library
For old time sake, the Law Library of Munich