SDM Apartment by Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop

Located in central Mumbai, Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop’s six story building, featuring two stories per apartment, contrasts standard housing in India by attending to similar spaces with diverse ideas. The SDM Apartment, in particular, houses uniquely designed rooms, which blend seamlessly with the space overall.

The centerpiece of the apartment is the staircase, a striking work of art in and of itself. Visible from nearly every public area of the apartment, the staircase draws its viewers in as it blooms with natural light. A bulk of the staircase is made up of flat, horizontal boards that curve up from the first floor to the second, creating steps on both levels from minimal beams and vertical portions against which one could nestle with a book in hand. The unique segmented design of the staircase is replicated in many works throughout the apartment, such as the blinds in the bedroom.

The main living area of the apartment is furnished with solid-colored fixtures against flooring reminiscent of a Jackson Pollock painting. The furniture, arranged symmetrically, begs to be filled with guests, and one entire wall is lined with bookshelves. The area, similar to the staircase, is illuminated by natural light emanating from a large window in the backdrop. The ceiling features wave-like beams that fluctuate from its surface and house lights within. The area simply breathes comfort.

Each additional room is a variation of the central stark-white hub of the apartment. The enormous window in the bedroom allows light to pool into the space, highlighting the tall ceiling. Artwork adorns the walls as well as the floor, similar to the main living area. The prayer room, or pooja, was carefully devised to incorporate contemporary design elements that would not detract from the overall atmosphere of the space. Every component of the space melds perfectly to create a pleasant site for spiritual unity and meditation. The kitchen is equally as meticulously crafted as the rest of the home, and its sleek and smooth surfaces are practically daring you to kick off your shoes and slide across them.

Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop’s SDM Apartment is as welcoming as it is beautiful. Its expert use of space and lighting combine stunningly with the furnishings, and individual rooms, while distinctive in their own right, act as extensions of the main space and staircase. Consequently, the SDM Apartment becomes a comfortable space for living whose atmosphere is richly spiritual and communal.

Photography: Arquitectura en Movimiento Workshop



